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Trumps actions while president have been called "a very aggressive attempt to rewrite our laws and reinterpret the meaning of environmental protections."[243] Deregulation

Saiba este qual foi e como ocorreu o impeachment do Dilma Rousseff, ocorrido em 2016, a ser o segundo impeachment da história do Brasil.

Líderes geralmente contêm uma excelente propriedade do se comunicar. Isso ocorre como esta habilidade é cada vez mais fundamental de modo a inspirar vizinhos e ganhar seguidores de modo a AS SUAS causas.

A ideia era evitar que um candidato fosse preso só para atrapalhar a campanha dele ou até mesmo de modo a que ele nãeste pudesse votar. Este tempo passou, mas a imunidade continua valendo.

, who was on a hunting trip, was unable to make the event due to a flight issue. Kushner’s wife, Ivanka Trump, a former unpaid West Wing adviser, was not in attendance and later issued a statement saying she wanted pelo part of her father’s latest campaign.

Trump was impeached just days before he left office for allegedly inciting the Capitol riot, notably with a speech to thousands of people on the Ellipse near the White House. The 45th president encouraged his audience to march on Congress because the election was being “stolen” — despite the fact that courts had rejected his claims of widespread fraud.

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Crossfire Hurricane was folded into the Mueller investigation, but deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein ended the other investigation while giving the bureau the false impression that Mueller would pursue it.[554][555] Special counsel investigation

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The former president's campaign claims he didn't know anything about Fuentes, who joined the rapper under fire for his antisemitic remarks.

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El presidente Gustavo Petro le concedió en la Lar de Nariño una entrevista a Noticias RCN, en la cual tocó diferentes temas de la actualidad nacional y se refirió a algunos aspectos qual vienen de modo a el país.

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